Voorhees Township Fire – Horton Ambulance

Voorhees Township Fire – Horton Ambulance

June 19, 2018 / 4814 / News
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Author: The Gold Cross Magazine

The EMS Division of the Voorhees Township Fire Department answers a lot of calls – about 5600 a year – with two of their five ambulances on duty 24/7. Care to guess who’s the manufacturer of all five rigs?  “In the past twenty years,” says EMS Supervisor Harry Woods, “We’ve only run Horton ambulances. When we’re in the market for a new rig, we always look at the competition, but the more we look the more it’s clear: nothing else even compares to a Horton. The roominess, the ride, the quality of the workmanship… I could go on. And that’s why the third rig we’re about to put in service will be a Horton too.”

It’s no mystery why. Horton brings decades of experience and innovation to all of their emergency vehicles, to provide EMS squads with features and quality workmanship that the others lack.

For starters, there ’s the unmatched  HOPS (Horton Occupant Protection System) package, which features a system of airbags, seatbelts and progressive foam protection that provide the best in occupant protection. There’s the Intelliplex i4G™ system – the best electrical offering on the market – which provides custom programming capabilities.

“We’ve only run Horton ambulances. When we’re in the market for a new rig, we always look at the competition, but the more we look the more it’s clear: nothing else even compares to a Horton.”  -Harry Woods, EMS Supervisor

Voorhees Fire Department VCI Ambulances - Horton

There’s the VI-Tech mounting system, which provides a smoother and quieter ride. There’s the Cool-Tech II™ HVAC system,  which can complete a full module cool down in less than nine minutes. And there’s the Horton 360 system, which ensures the driver can see – and the vehicle can be seen – in adverse conditions.

Combine these and hundreds of other features with the outstand- ing sales, service and graphics support provided by VCI Emergency Vehicle Specialists, and you’ll see why squads all over New Jersey are loyal VCI customers.  We’d like you to be one too.  Just give us a call!

“It’s What We Do!”

Learn more about Voorhees Township Fire!

Watch our video on why your next vehicle should be a HORTON!


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